A Sinister Use for a Human Spine

Blood coursed down his face as he stumbled in the darkness. The bright harvest moon that was rising behind a black mountain of clouds could not aid his vision, for he was hopelessly blind. The pain continued to sear through his skull, and adding to the pain was the knowledge that it was his own fault. His ears strained to hear anything that would guide him along, which led him to the young woman. She halted in her progress down the road, releasing a high shriek at the sight of him. "Please," he begged. "Won't you help me?" It was a mercy that she could not fully see the state of what had once been his eyes. He recognized from the voice that it was a woman, a young woman that drew near. "Please miss. Would you guide me to an inn or a doctor?" "What happened to you?" she asked in a trembling voice. "You need not worry, miss. You are quite safe," he g...