A Night in the Old Dark House - Part Three

The farm boy’s head was swimming. He only barely listened as Minnie gave him the option of taking a room or sitting up all night in the library. Being an avid reader, he selected the library without giving it any thought. After Mrs. Hitt’s departure, Oliver took a few minutes to calm himself and gather his thoughts. Upon reflection, he was grateful for his decision to stay in the library. Had he taken a bedroom, he would have been all the more miserable. He knew that sleep had no chance of coming. At least the library was cozy and he could find much to keep his mind occupied. Unfortunately, the walls of glorious leather-bound volumes that would normally have enchanted him failed to hold his distracted mind. He needed a few more minutes to take stock of the situation. He planted himself in a high wing chair in front of the fireplace and pondered. The greed of all the other guests seemed evident and sadly underst...